
Sentek soil water sensors and probes provide a high data resolution and can detect changes in moisture of >0.01 per cent. Unlike other brands, our soil moisture probes can have user-defined, or site-specific calibration equations, applied to each individual sensor to track water movement through the profile, and plant uptake, to a scientific standard. Our data loggers and transmitters can also be programmed to record and upload information at customized time intervals to produce accurate and valuable data.

Tried and tested technologies

Sentek technologies have been rigorously tested, and validated, by the global scientific community for decades making them a proven research solution. Sentek soil moisture probes commissioned more than 18 years ago are still in use today. Our soil moisture sensors deliver highly accurate results and can be used in a variety of environmental conditions including saline (>20dS/m), oven dry and water saturated soils. To enhance your research, Sentek’s EnviroSCAN probes are fully field serviceable and sensor positions can be adjusted without affecting data integrity.

Designed for flexibility

Sentek technologies offer ultimate research flexibility. You can easily upgrade your Sentek products or add to your existing monitoring systems. Start your research using Diviner portable monitoring for example and then upgrade to our EnviroSCAN continuous monitoring system without having to change access tubes. Sentek technologies can also be integrated with a range of third party data loggers, telemetry devices, weather stations, cellular and satellite communication modules and irrigation controllers for added convenience.

Built for research

If you are embarking on research investigating plant growth and development, groundwater, soils or water management, Sentek offers a complete range of monitoring and measuring equipment that can provide fast, accurate and reliable data at depths from 10 centimetres (4”) to 40 metres (120ft). By using our probes to collect data, you can interpret it with an advanced software system like Sentek IrriMAX to gain valuable insights. You can represent your findings graphically for better interpretation and understanding and convert your graphs to numerical analysis for theory and concept validation.

Accurate insights for trusted research

Precision is the key to quality research and our products provide insights into:

  • root activity and architecture
  • drought and climate change responses
  • water scarcity and food security management strategies
  • crop water use using evapotranspiration (ET) and basic crop co-efficient (Kc)
  • optimal water management strategies
  • relationships between water content and carbon models
  • the impact of soil biome and ameliorants on water holding capacity
  • crop rootstock genotype comparisons
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